Break Away


Mr. Risk Aversion: that's my alter ego, when I'm not Pollyanna or Mr. Know-It-All. (An odd trio to co-inhabit a single skull, eh?) But I'm trying, mindfully, to be aware of this tendency to fear adventure, and to loosen up. The chorus of Kelly Clarkson's sweet song "Breakaway" advises:

I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And break away ...

Yes, and it's embarrassing to report that, hitherto, the phrase "take a chance" (or variations thereof) never occurs in the many thousands of ZhurnalyWiki pages I've written. In fact, the only two instances of "take" and "chance" near each other are in race reports posted here on behalf of comrades Kate Abbott and Ken Swab. Even the words "break away" are scandalously scarce.

I shall work on this!

(for some "break away"-related instances see Waking Up to What You Do (2010-03-21), Three Poisons (2011-06-19), Beginner's Guide to Insight Meditation (2011-08-05), ...) - ^z - 2013-01-19